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    Topic Rules!


    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2009-04-20

    Topic Rules! Empty Topic Rules!

    Post  *Admin Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:42 am

    Topic Rules

    Read this before making a topic!

    Topics Title Must Be Self-explanatory, or it will be deleted!

    Here are examples, what is a bad name for a topic:

    1. WEWEWEE!
    2. Amazing thing happened!
    3. Read this!
    4. Need help.
    5. Plz answer...

    Why those aren't good names?

    1. This name doesn't explain, what the topic contains.
    2. But what thing?
    3. Read what?
    4. Need help in what?
    5. Plz answer to what?

    If someone makes a topic, whit this kind of name, it will be moved to Trash-can.


    Message Content

    You are not allowed to:

    1. Insult others.
    2. Speak other languages that english. Or if you do, you have to translate it in that same post.
    3. Curse.
    4. Spam.

    If someone makes a topic, what contains some of these things, the topic will be moved to Trash-can.

    If someone makes a reply, what contains some of these things, hes post will be edited.

    For admins:
    Always, when you edit someones post, please write to it, who has edited it.


    ~~~~EDITED BY Jackson~~~~

    When replying a message, the rules are the same.


      Current date/time is Mon May 06, 2024 2:18 pm